November 19, 2023
episode description
Girls like me are trying to stop pretending that we don't cry....
In the last episode, I talked a lot about being vulnerable and teaching yourself how to be vulnerable when in the past you felt like being vulnerable is something that you thought was bad.
Or it could only lead to bad things.
There's a song— it was actually really popular on TikTok for awhile and it feels like it's actually very very upbeat considering the lyrics. It's called Girls Like Me Don't Cry and it felt like it was the, the epitome of the entire last episode that I recorded.
Because there's this one line that says, "Girls like me don't cry. Girls like me pretend that we don't cry." I was like, yo, that's exactly what I was saying. That's exactly what I was saying.
Because even though you never see them cry, It's not that they don't cry, It's just that they pretend that they don't cry.
I feel like this song was so perfect to go with the last episode because I feel like it really, really, really gets to the crux of the whole situation, of the whole, like, mentality, really. I think it's honestly another romance song, but as always, I pick and choose which lyrics I'm referring to and which concepts I'm referring to.
Or sometimes I even just talk about the vibe that the music is giving. So, without further ado, here is Girls Like Me Don't Cry by Thuy.