March 19, 2023
episode description
dealing with rejection sucks. here's a song that makes it suck just a little less.
Today in yoga, my instructor said "To fly, we must learn to let go of the things that weigh us down."
That sounds awfully poetic. And when she said that to me, it made me think to myself, what is it that's weighing me down? And it felt like the thing that's weighing me down the most right now is myself, my own uncertainty, my own guilt, my own fears.
All of it is weighing my shoulders down. To the point where every morning I wake up and all I can focus on is that finish line, that graduation date. And it really doesn't help when I'm getting rejected at every turn. It doesn't help when you're trying to change out of a career and you're feeling brave, you wanna take those steps.
You wanna get out of your comfort zone. You don't wanna stay somewhere just because it's comfortable for you, cause you don't wanna hold yourself back in that way. And you believe in yourself, right?
And you take that first step only to get slapped, splashed with a cold glass of rejection. And it's really discouraging and it's really, it makes you feel like maybe I should have just stayed where I was comfortable.
I really liked it when everybody was telling me I was doing great and I was all that. I don't really like this rejection business. And so I was thinking about all of this and I thought about a song that recenters me whenever I'm feeling particularly lost or discouraged whenever I start to doubt myself.
Or even feeling bitter about the rejections that I've gotten or feeling some type of way. If it's not bitterness, just disappointment, sadness. Disappointment in myself, disappointment in the outcome, whatever it is. But this song reminds me that what is meant to be will come back to me. And if I didn't get it, it must not have been meant to be, because you never know how your life is gonna turn out. And you never know what you're being protected from within that rejection.
So I got rejected from something that I really wanted, but if I had gotten it, it could've been the worst experience of my life. Something horrible could have happened to me. Some type of natural disaster could have happened or whatever in the place that I would've been, right? That's kind of extreme, but you get what I'm saying.
We don't know what the rejection is actually protecting us from. Or maybe if I had gotten accepted, I would've missed out on some other amazing opportunity that may be waiting for me in the future. Just reframing how we think of rejection instead of viewing it as a dead end.
Like thinking about rejection as a new pathway that maybe you didn't see before, maybe you hadn't focused on before because you were so tunnel vision focused on the thing that you may have gotten rejected from, or that didn't work out for you.
So this song is called Come Back to Me by Carter Ace. And it reminds you that even if things didn't turn out the way that you thought they would, if it was meant to be, it'll come back to you. So without further ado, here is come back to me by Carter Ace.